Sustainable and low carbon design

We believe that we have to design and construct buildings that are sustainable both in the energy they consume and the materials from which they are constructed. Sustainable architecture is key to achieving this. New buildings are an obvious beneficiary of this philosophy, however this rigour applies to existing building as well.

Coronavirus has required all of us to adjust our ways of working and living, and we believe that our buildings will need to incorporate measures that can contribute to a more resilient society.

sustainable architecture

Refurbishment can be a significant contributor towards achieving net carbon buildings, as it has the potential to maximise the use of existing buildings, reduce energy consumption optimise their use and reduce the amount of new construction that is required.

Climate change is driving a fundamental and wholesale reconsideration about the production and sensible use of energy, together with a move to de-carbonise energy production, and to reduce the energy demand for transport, buildings and industry. The landscape is changing fast, and it is imperative to understand the implications for the construction industry, and implement the necessary construction measures.

sustainable architecture

We have invested in knowledge about sustainable architecture and low carbon building design. Low carbon design is not only a matter of choosing sustainable materials, it embraces the supply of energy to the building, energy expended in the production and operation of the building and whole life carbon use. We can advise clients on how to design low carbon buildings and undertake sustainable refurbishments.

Public awareness, has been raised by Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg. However, raising awareness is one thing, taking action is another, and action is required if energy reduction targets are to be met, or exceeded.

Prime Meridian has the expertise to design and deliver low carbon new buildings and energy efficient building refurbishments.

sustainable architecture